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Join us for more exciting KACTE sessions this week!

Hall Davidson Circle Headshot
Presented by Hall Davidson

Senior Director, Global Learning Initiatives

Wednesday, July 19

Steal This 57-Year old Festival and Give It To Your Students!

4:00 - 4:50 PM | Wilkinson, East Tower
Spur media literacy, environment awareness, or innovative new mediums like AR, VR, 3D printing, and AI.

Thursday, July 20

Fabulous Free Virtual Field Trips for Careers, Engagement, and Passion Building

10:00 - 11:30 AM | Daisy 1, West Tower
What sparks ignite career passions? Free virtual field trips for career awareness let them see what they can be.

State of the Art: AR/VR New, Now, Wow

3:00 - 3:50 PM | Sampson, East Tower
The state of the art in AR, VR, and MR. Explore amazing free apps and worlds being built by students. Updates on tech giants' products. 393

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