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Math Techbook

Connect students to math through real-world problems worth solving

Experience math in ways never before possible

Math Techbook’s standards-aligned content is designed for diverse students and curated by experts. By adding real-world context to everyday math concepts, this digital math textbook makes traditional math problems relatable and relevant. It combines conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application to help all students develop mastery of math and pave the way for online math programs.

See how Math Lessons Apply to Our World

Research shows that engaged students are more likely to become successful students. Math Techbook for middle school and high school puts math within reach for every learner, engaging students through digital interactives, data manipulation through digital tools, game-like activities, math problems codeveloped with the NBA, and rich relevant text.

Research Based and Industry Approved

Math Techbook has been independently verified to meet the highest levels of mathematical content and pedagogy by EdReports and SpotOn, including perfect scores in the quality of mathematics and pedagogical content for its middle school math curriculum-- making Math Techbook an essential math resource for teachers.

Bring Mathematics to Life for All Students

Every student learns in their own way. Math Techbook is specifically developed for diverse student audiences and curated by experts for ease of access. High-quality, multimodal content is essential to breaking down barriers to learning and engaging students in higher-level thinking.
Accolades for Math Techbook

Tech Edvocate Names Math Techbook the 2019 Best Math App or Tool

mtb edvocate best math tool seal
The Edvocate Learn More >

Experience math lessons in ways never before possible with interactive, real-world problems that build lasting proficiency.

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Math Techbook in Carroll County

Discovery Education Math Techbook was designed to be flexible and adaptable in any learning environment. Learn how Carroll County Public Schools is using this digital math textbook to empower teachers in classrooms where 1:1 devices aren't always available.

Join millions of educators aimed at challenging the status quo.

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