Science Techbook for Texas for Elementary Classrooms

Discover How Easy It Is to Love Science

The Science Techbook for Texas Elementary curriculum has 100% TEKS and 100% ELPS coverage and scored 100% on all indicators of the TRR Report.

Discover an Exciting Elementary Curriculum​

Let’s get started with your review of grades K-5 and see how easy it is to guide your students into becoming junior scientists and engineers!

Built for Texas

Discovery Education’s Science Techbook for Texas is a comprehensive core curriculum designed for Texas teachers and students.

100% TEKS Alignment

Science Techbook for Texas strategically and systematically integrates the scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes and concepts, and grade-level content as outlined in the TEKS.

STAAR 2.0 Practice

Assessments include new STAAR question types: text entry, hot spot, drag and drop, multipart, multi-select, and short constructed response.

Engaging Hands-On Activities

Easily meet lab and activity requirements with engaging hands-on activities and interactives that fit into a 20-minute lesson.

20-Minute Lessons

Elementary lessons are ready-to-teach in slideshow format with point-of-use instructor support.

Authentic Spanish Content

Science Techbook for Texas provides a complete science curriculum in English and Spanish.

Texas-Specific Content

Science phenomena and activities feature Texas locations so students can truly see themselves in the program.

Student-Centered Learning

Science Techbook for Texas is a hands-on and immersive active learning program. Watch students transform into junior scientists and engineers through engaging real-world lessons!

tx phenomena driven instruction

Phenomena-Driven Instruction

Students are motivated to understand the science content because it’s exciting and relevant.

tx water in the atmosphere

Real-World Learning Experiences

Students build conceptual understanding through hands-on activities and interactives in every Concept.

tx differentiated te prompt

Differentiated, Targeted Instruction

Tools like language toggles and Immersive Reader along with embedded differentiated instruction strategies support accessibility.

Read, Write, and Speak like a Scientist

Students complete Read Together activities in whole-class and small group lessons, giving them ongoing opportunities to practice their reading and communication skills, as well as their accuracy in using scientific terms. Just like real scientists!

Optimize Your Time

Make the most of your time! Science Techbook for Texas includes intuitive digital tools that personalize the student experience and instructor resources that streamline processes.

FAQ Section

Using the CER framework, students synthesize the evidence gathered while completing hands-on activities, interactives, and literacy lessons during their Explore Lessons. They evaluate the validity of this evidence to answer their original questions from Engage.

In K-2, knowing our youngest learners are still novices to scientific and engineering practices, we include the claim statements for instructors to use as a whole-class discussion and encourage students to talk with one another to share how evidence does or does not support each claim.

In grades 3-5, we scaffold students’ understanding as they begin to construct their own scientific claims and explanations.

Rubrics and the ability to provide personal feedback to their peers help students continue improving the rigor of their explanations over time.

Literacy Cards enhance lessons for students in grades K-2. K-5 literacy lessons, with activities such as Read Togethers, are delivered via slideshows and include strategies for whole and small-group instruction.

Students and instructors can also take advantage of the Immersive Reader located within the Lesson slideshows and the interactive glossaries. Immersive Reader provides personalized access to the curriculum with features such as read-aloud, line focus, translation, and grammar markings, as well as the ability to adjust the size, style, and color of the font.

Yes! Grades K-5 include Mystery Science phenomena to introduce select concepts. Engage lessons employ a variety of instructional methods, including hands-on, video, data sets, and images, to awaken students’ curiosity about science phenomena.

The embedded formative assessment prompts throughout the K-5 program are STAAR assessment types. Additionally, you will find Concept Summative Assessments in the Evaluate lessons for grades 3-5. The question types in these assessments also mirror the look and feel of STAAR-based item types and include the new STAAR 2.0 question types: text entry, hot spot, drag and drop, multipart, multi-select, and short constructed response.

Many assessments are automatically graded, and instructors can view individual student and class performance in the Concept Assessment Results section. Constructed response questions include rubrics for additional feedback.

At the close of each Explore lesson, students complete a formative assessment called “What Did You Figure Out?” Available in print and digital modalities, these assessments provide a quick opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding.

Phenomenon Check-Ins, found at the end of every hands-on activity, serve as another formative check for understanding that allows students to reflect on their sensemaking. As students generate and analyze data, these artifacts allow teachers to monitor student progress. Many formative assessments are auto-graded with built-in scaffolded supports for instant feedback.

For more information on assessments, click here.

Take the Next Step

  • Built for Texas Classrooms

  • Learning is Student Centered

  • Simultaneous Literacy & Science Development

  • More Time-Optimizing Resources