Science Techbook for Texas for Biology

Discover How Easy It Is to Love Science

Science Techbook for Texas Biology has 100% TEKS and 100% ELPS coverage and scored 100% on all indicators of the TRR Report.

tx hs biology

Discover an Exciting Biology Curriculum​

Let’s get started with your review of high school biology and see how easy it is to guide your students into becoming scientists and engineers!

Built for Texas

Discovery Education’s Science Techbook for Texas is a comprehensive core curriculum designed for Texas teachers and students.

100% TEKS Alignment

Science Techbook for Texas strategically and systematically integrates the scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes and concepts, and grade-level content as outlined in the TEKS.

STAAR 2.0 Practice

Assessments include new STAAR question types: text entry, hot spot, drag and drop, multipart, multi-select, and short constructed response.

Engaging Hands-On Activities

Easily meet lab and activity requirements with engaging hands-on activities, labs, and interactives that fit into standard lessons.

45-Minute Lessons

High School lessons are ready-to-teach with point-of-use instructor support and flexible options.

Authentic Spanish Content

Science Techbook for Texas Biology provides a complete science curriculum in English and Spanish.

Award-Winning Content

Wow Texas students with engaging hands-on activities, rigorous yet approachable scientific literacy lessons, and award-winning digital media!

Student-Centered Learning

Science Techbook for Texas is a hands-on and immersive active learning program. Watch students transform into scientists and engineers through engaging real-world lessons.

tx 9 12 phenomena driven instruction

Phenomena-Driven Instruction

Students are motivated to understand the science content because it’s exciting and relevant.

tx monster truck pull

Real-World Learning Experiences

Students build conceptual understanding through hands-on activities and interactives in every Concept.

tx 9 12 differentiated te prompt

Differentiated, Targeted Instruction

Embedded strategies for differentiated instruction support accessible science instruction.

Optimize Your Time

Make the most of your time! Science Techbook for Texas includes intuitive digital tools that personalize the student experience and instructor resources that streamline processes.

FAQ Section

In each Concept, students are presented with a real-world phenomenon. The Engage lessons are carefully crafted to solicit student curiosity and encourage them to ask questions related to the core concepts for the TEKS associated with the concept.

Using the CER framework, students synthesize the evidence gathered while completing hands-on labs and activities, interactives, and literacy lessons during their Explore lessons. They evaluate the validity of this evidence to answer their original questions about the phenomenon from Engage.

Rubrics and the ability to provide personal feedback to their peers help students improve the rigor of their explanations over time.

In Elaborate lessons, students expand on the scientific ideas within each Concept by making connections and applying ideas to real-world experiences through STEM projects and STEM careers. Now that students have acted like scientists and engineers, they can learn how professional scientists and engineers study the same evidence they uncover in your classroom.

In the Evaluate lessons, you will find Concept Summative Assessments. The question types in these assessments mirror the look and feel of STAAR-based item types and include the new STAAR question types: text entry, hot spot, drag and drop, multipart, multi-select, and short constructed response.

Many assessments are automatically graded, and instructors can view individual student and class performance in the Concept Assessment Results section.

Discovery Education features, like Assessment Builder and Studio, give teachers the flexibility to create their own customized assessments to best meet their student’s needs.

The biology student curriculum is available in authentically translated Spanish to support Emergent Bilinguals. Also, the point-of-use Teacher materials include ELPS-aligned embedded strategies for additional support.

Take the Next Step

  • Built for Texas Classrooms

  • Learning is Student Centered

  • More Time-Optimizing Resources