Jumpstart a “Phenomenal” Day with Discovery Education's Hands-On Experiences

Thursday, March 23
9:45 AM – 10:45 AM
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B206
NSTA 2023 Conference

Start your day with the Discovery Education team as they take you on a high energy and hands-on immersion into the wonderful world of Phenomena! We will highlight curriculum and instruction from our award-winning DE platform, Mystery Science, Pivot Interactives, Science Techbook, STEM Connect, STEM Careers Coalition, and more that focus on the engagement of all students as they tackle the three dimensions of science instruction, make sense of phenomena, and design solutions to problems.

This “phenomena playground” will have a variety of presenters to guide you through hands-on activities. Participants can rotate and explore each station.

Participation at NSTA

  • You must be registered to attend NSTA to participate in this workshop session.
  • Pre-register for this session and be prepared to show the confirmation email at the door with your badge.
  • Plan to arrive 15 minutes early.
  • A limited supply of coffee, tea, and light refreshments will be provided first-come first-serve.

Presented By:

Brad Fountain
Senior Director of Teaching & Learning
Discovery Education

& The Discovery Education and Mystery Science Team

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