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MYTHBUSTERS and President Obama Team Up to Engage U.S. Students inScience Education through Discovery Education Digital Services

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Stephen Wakefield, Discovery Education

Elizabeth Hillman, Discovery Channel

— Special episode of popular Discovery Channel series to be madeavailable to educators and students through STEM Connect and DiscoveryEducation Science —

–Winners of the 2010 Discovery Education 3M Young ScientistChallenge and Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge Attend White HouseScience Fair —

Silver Spring, Md. (Oct. 18, 2010) – At the White Housetoday, President Obama hosted the White House Science Fair celebrating thewinners of a broad range of science, technology, engineering and math(STEM) competitions. During his remarks, President Obama announced hisparticipation in an upcoming episode of Discovery Channel’s popular series,MYTHBUSTERS.

President Obama participated in the episode, “Archimedes Solar Ray,”scheduled to air December 8th, in which he puts Adam and Jamie’s skills tothe test with this ancient and somewhat controversial myth. The story goesback to 215 BC when the Greek scientist and polymath Archimedes set fire toan invading Roman fleet using only mirrors and the reflected rays of thesun.

DiscoveryEducation will make this special episode of MYTHBUSTERS available tostudents and teachers through both STEMConnect and Discovery Education Science shortly after it premieres on DiscoveryChannel. A digital curriculum-based career development resource designedto fuel teacher and classroom engagement, STEM Connect is available at noadditional cost to more than half the schools in the U.S. through DiscoveryEducation streaming. Discovery Education Science, a K-8 digitalresource powering school curricula and igniting student interest in sciencelessons, features standards-based virtual labs, simulations, readingpassages and a real-time assessment tool that helps educators measurestudent academic progress.

“The MythBusters have the unique ability to bring complex scientificideas to life in a manner that is both educational and entertaining,” saidBill Goodwyn, CEO of Discovery Education. “By making this special episodeof the MythBusters available in classrooms nationwide, Discovery Educationcontinues to respond to the call from the Obama administration to improvestudent achievement in science education.”

The White House Science Fair fulfills a commitment the President made atthe launch of his Educate to Innovate campaign in November 2009 toinspire students to excel in math and science. As the President noted then,“If you win the NCAA championship, you come to the White House. Well, ifyou`re a young person and you produce the best experiment or design, thebest hardware or software, you ought to be recognized for that achievement,too.”

Other Discovery “stars” joining the MYTHBUSTERS at the White HouseScience Fair today were 2010 DiscoveryEducation 3M Young Scientist Challenge winner Liam McCarty from ElmGrove, WI and the 2010 Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge middle schoolwinners Raj Raina and Yash Sathe, from Novi, MI. These two programs,created by Discovery Education and its partners 3M and the SiemensFoundation, encourages student engagement in science education at a timewhen studies show student interest in science waning.

For more information on Discovery Education and its products, servicesand programs, visit or call 800-323-9084.

About Discovery Education
Discovery Communications (NASDAQ: DISCA, DISCB, DISCK) revolutionizedtelevision with Discovery Channel and is now transforming classroomsthrough Discovery Education. Powered by the number one nonfiction mediacompany in the world, Discovery Education combines scientifically proven,standards-based digital media and a dynamic user community in order toempower teachers to improve student achievement. Already, more than halfof all U.S. schools access Discovery Education digital services. Explorethe future of education at

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Discovery Channel (DSC) is dedicated to creating the highest qualitynon-fiction content that informs and entertains its consumers about theworld in all its wonder, diversity and amazement. The network, whichreaches 98.1 million viewers in the US, can be seen in over 170 countries,offering a signature mix of compelling, high-end production values andvivid cinematography across genres including, science and technology,exploration, adventure, history and in-depth, behind-the-scenes glimpses atthe people, places and organizations that shape and share our world. Formore information, please visit
